Hooning, plate theft on agenda for Burnside Neighbourhood Watch

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Hooning and number plate theft were discussed at Burnside Neighbourhood Watch Group’s February Meeting last Wednesday.

Generally, relatively few crimes were reported in the area in the last quarter, but hooning is a continuing issue in the usual hotspots. Residents are urged to continue to pay attention to home and vehicle security, following a number of incidents across the  Coast in recent months.

Area Coordinator Rod Brady said the `Coffee with a Cop’ event in December was a success. Sunshine Coast Police Crime Prevention Officer, Acting Sgt. Sandy Atkinson took full advantage of the opportunity to meet some of our business sponsors and talk with residents, particularly about the growing problem across the region of Vehicle Number Plate Theft.

Rod provided an update about affixing a plaque to Burnside Community Service Memorial in Burnside Park on December 7, in memory of the late Michael James, a previous Area Coordinator of our group.

In other news:

• a yellow `No Parking’ line will be painted at the junction of Blaxland Road and Carter Road to reduce the risk of a collision between parked vehicles and those turning into Blaxland Road;

• additional concrete paths will be installed along sections of Blaxland Road to improve pedestrian safety;

• a temporary safety mirror will replace one damaged on Blaxland Road while a replacement mirror has been ordered for later installation.

• Council is liaising with Energex about poor lighting at the entrance to Burnside State School’s Car Park.

• The next meeting is Wednesday May 5 at 7pm.


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